Arduino Light Circuit With Button You Press It One It Turns on Press It Again It Turns Off

In this Arduino tutorial I will show you how to plough an LED on and off with a push. In fact, we'll practice 2 slightly dissimilar applications.

Starting time, we will power on the LED when the button is pressed, and power off the LED when the button is non pressed.

So we'll modify the programme to toggle the LED'south state just when we release the button.

For more info on each component, also check out this Arduino LED tutorial and this Arduino push button tutorial.

Allow'southward get started!

Arduino circuit with an LED and a button

To build the circuit y'all will demand those components:

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  • Arduino board (any lath, if you don't have Uno you can easily suit past finding respective pins).
  • Breadboard.
  • LED – any color.
  • Push.
  • 220 Ohm resistor for the LED. If yous don't have this specific value, any resistor from 330 to 1k Ohm will do.
  • 10k Ohm resistor for the push button push. If you don't have, you can go until 20k-50k Ohm.
  • A bunch of male to male wires (including if possible black, red, and other colors).

Here'due south the circuit you lot have to make.

Arduino Circuit - LED and Push Button

Step past step instructions to build the circuit (more info nigh Arduino pins hither):

  • Start, make certain to ability off your Arduino – remove any USB cable.
  • Plug a black wire between the blue line of the breadboard and a ground (GND) pin on the Arduino board.
  • Plug the LED. You can notice that the LED has a leg shorter than the other. Plug this shorter leg to the ground (blue line hither) of the circuit.
  • Connect the longer leg of the LED to a digital pin (hither pivot no 8, you lot can modify it). Add together a 220 Ohm resistor in between to limit the current going through the LED.
  • Add the push button to the breadboard, like in the picture.
  • Connect 1 leg of the push to the ground, and put a 10k Ohm resistor in between. This resistor will human action as a "pull downward" resistor, which ways that the default button'southward land will be Depression.
  • Add together a reddish wire betwixt another leg of the push and VCC (5V).
  • Finally, connect a leg of the button (same side as the pull downwardly resistor) to a digital pin (here seven).

All correct your circuit is now finished. Yous tin can kickoff writing code.

Here'southward a video that might assist you get started (just for the LED, non the push) with the circuit and the code:

Afterwards watching the video, subscribe to the Robotics Dorsum-Finish Youtube channel then you don't miss the next tutorials!

Turn on the LED when button is pressed, plow it off otherwise

What nosotros want to accomplish is simple: when the button is not pressed, the LED is off. And when we printing the button the LED should exist on.

The code

#define LED_PIN 8 #ascertain BUTTON_PIN 7  void setup() {   pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);   pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); }  void loop() {   if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == HIGH) {     digitalWrite(LED_PIN, Loftier);   }   else {     digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);   } }

Let'southward break this lawmaking down line past line.


#ascertain LED_PIN 8 #ascertain BUTTON_PIN seven

First, as a all-time practice, we use some defines to keep the pin number for the LED and push. That mode, if you lot take used unlike pins than I, you just need to modify those 2 lines. Also, in the future if you desire to change the LED from pin 8 to pin xi for case, you can modify this line without touching anything else in the lawmaking.

void setup() {   pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);   pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); }

The setup role is executed once at the outset of the program. This is the perfect time to initialize our pins with the pinMode() role:

  • OUTPUT for the LED, as we're going to write data to information technology.
  • INPUT for the push, as we're going to read information from it.

Now, the digital pins are correctly set up.

Loop – Plough on the LED when button is pressed

void loop() {   if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == Loftier) {     digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);   }   else {     digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);   } }

In the loop part, we start by reading the button'due south land with the digitalRead() office. Every bit we have a pull down resistor on the button, nosotros know that the not-pressed state will give usa the value Depression.

(Note: if you lot were using a pull up resistor, or no resistor at all – with the INPUT_PULLUP  option for pinMode – this would be the opposite. HIGH when the push is not pressed, and LOW when it's pressed.)

So, once we get the button'due south state, we check if it's Loftier or Low:

  • Loftier (pressed): we power on the LED with digitalWrite() and the HIGH state.
  • Depression (non pressed): we power off the LED with digitalWrite() and the LOW state.

OK, now permit's do something a lilliputian chip more complex.

Toggle LED's land with the push push button – first iteration

What we desire to do is to toggle the LED's land when yous printing + release the button. So, the first time you release the push, the LED will turn on. The second fourth dimension, information technology will turn off. Etc.

The code

#ascertain LED_PIN viii #define BUTTON_PIN 7  byte lastButtonState = LOW; byte ledState = LOW;  void setup() {   pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);   pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); }  void loop() {   byte buttonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);   if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {     lastButtonState = buttonState;     if (buttonState == Low) {       ledState = (ledState == High) ? LOW: High;       digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledState);     }   } }

Permit'due south analyze the lawmaking.


#ascertain LED_PIN 8 #ascertain BUTTON_PIN 7

Those defines are the same equally earlier.

byte lastButtonState = Depression; byte ledState = LOW;

We need to create ii global variables, to go on the state of the push button and the LED. In the loop we'll employ those variables to compare the previous state to the new state.

void setup() {   pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);   pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); }

The void setup stays the same. Nosotros simply gear up the mode for both pins.

And now the serious stuff is coming. We enter the void loop function.

Monitor the button's state

void loop() {   byte buttonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);

The first thing we do is to read the push'due south state and to store information technology inside a new local variable.

          if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {        

And then nosotros can compare the electric current state to the concluding one (from the previous execution of the loop function). four possibilities here:

  1. LOW -> Low (last -> current).
  2. Low -> High.
  3. Loftier -> LOW.
  4. High -> HIGH.

With the condition, nosotros only enter the next cake of lawmaking if the current and last state are different. If the 2 states are the aforementioned, then we don't enter the if and the loop function is finished for this turn.

          lastButtonState = buttonState;

Also, now that nosotros have the information nosotros desire, nosotros directly store the current land into the last state variable, then that we accept the correct value for the next time nosotros enter the loop.

          if (buttonState == Low) {

At this bespeak we have only 2 possibilities left:

  • Either the previous state was Low and the electric current state is High (not pressed to pressed).
  • Or the previous state was High and the current state is LOW (pressed to not pressed).

We are only interested in the 2d option, then hither we just have to check if the current button's state is LOW. If that's the case, we can at present turn the LED on or off.

Toggle the LED when the button has been released

          ledState = (ledState == HIGH) ? Depression : High;

Here we toggle the land of the LED. I'm not a big fan of one-liners but this one is really handful when y'all just need to toggle a land. This will relieve you lot 3-4 lines of code for something really trivial.

Here'due south the template for this one-liner: (condition to evaluate) ? if true use this value : if faux employ this value.

And so, if the LED is currently powered on (ledState == HIGH), nosotros assign the value LOW. If the LED is powered off (ledState != Loftier), we assign the value HIGH.

          digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledState);     }   } }

And the last thing we demand to do is of course to physically set the country for the LED, with the new computed state.

Turn LED on and off with button – using debounce

One affair you might notice with the previous experiment: sometimes when you press and release the button, the LED's country doesn't alter, or blinks rapidly multiple times.

This is considering the button is physically bouncing when you lot press it. Thus, many false positives will be interpreted past the Arduino. What you can exercise to preclude that is to add a debounce filibuster in your lawmaking. For instance, you can determine that when the program detects a modify in the button's state, it will wait 50 milliseconds before considering another change viable.

Let's add a few lines to our previous code.

The improved code

#ascertain LED_PIN 8 #define BUTTON_PIN 7  byte lastButtonState = LOW; byte ledState = Low;  unsigned long debounceDuration = 50; // millis unsigned long lastTimeButtonStateChanged = 0;  void setup() {   pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);   pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); }  void loop() {   if (millis() - lastTimeButtonStateChanged > debounceDuration) {     byte buttonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);     if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {       lastTimeButtonStateChanged = millis();       lastButtonState = buttonState;       if (buttonState == Depression) {         ledState = (ledState == HIGH) ? Depression: Loftier;         digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledState);       }     }   } }

At present, if y'all run this program, you lot won't accept any problem with the LED's land being changed quite randomly when yous press/release the push.

And here is how we reach that.

Debounce explained

unsigned long debounceDuration = 50; // millis unsigned long lastTimeButtonStateChanged = 0;

We create two new global variables:

  • 1 to decide how long nosotros desire to wait earlier validating a second modify in the push'south country. Hither it means that if the state changes, any changes after that in the next l milliseconds volition exist ignored. fifty millis is a good value, you can experiment with lower and upper values to check the behavior.
  • Some other ane to go along the concluding time the state was inverse, so we accept a starting indicate to compare to.
void loop() {   if (millis() - lastTimeButtonStateChanged > debounceDuration) {

Then, in the loop, we only starting time the button/LED functionality if enough time has passed since the last fourth dimension the push button's country was inverse.

To practice that it'south quite unproblematic: we compare the duration since the terminal update time to the required debounce duration.

          if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {       lastTimeButtonStateChanged = millis();

One time the debounce delay has been passed, then we can practice what we did before. And don't forget to update the starting indicate for the "debounce timer" simply after you discover a change in the button's land. And so, the next fourth dimension the program enters the loop, it volition wait for 50 milliseconds (or the value you've chosen) to detect new changes in the button'due south state.

Conclusion – Arduino turn Led ON and OFF with push button

In this tutorial you have seen how to build an Arduino circuit with an LED and a button button, and also how to control this excursion to turn the LED on and off with the button.

Fifty-fifty if it'due south a rather simple application, there are many ways to program it. You can power on the LED only when the button is pressed, or make the LED blink when you release the button, and then on.

Another mode to write the code (for the exact aforementioned functionalities) is to use Arduino interrupts – bachelor for the boards having interrupt pins.

To go further from hither, check out:

  • Control multiple LEDs with a push button.
  • Arduino program with LED, button button, and potentiometer.


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